Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Train... Day 1 August 29, 2008

We left for the train very late or shall we say very early August 30th. There are positive and negative points about riding the train. Positive... its not nearly as stressful as riding by plane and checking bags etc. If you aren't in a hurry or if you don't have a schedule. Negative it doesn't stay to a schedule very well. The train was two hours late so we didn't leave until after 1:00 in the morning. (no other options) The kids were so tired. They were excited too. They did very well! Baby Suzy slept all night and the other two did as well. They had fun the next morning exploring the train and looking forward to meals in the dining car. We played games, Suzy took her scheduled naps. The older girls also took a long afternoon nap. (yeah!) The Train took a detour through Feather River Canyon. The canyon was very pretty. We went through several tunnels and across several bridges. If we went downhill Olivia would put both hands in the air. We were tired when we arrived... but all and all we really had fun. Thank you Scotty and Nicole for staying with us in/at the SLC Train Depot. Because it was so late at night the train station in SLC was the scariest part.

1 comment:

Trav and Mel...... said...

"we are going on a shrain ride through the shrees!!!" Looks like so much fun!