Hannah 9 Loves to playoutside Loves DELTACO Loves Sports Loves to read Loves her sisters Loves to talk to mom Loves to Rollerblade Loves to play with friends Loves Night games Loves hiking and vacations Loves to write books and color
Olivia 5 Loves dates with mom and dad Loves to name all the things she loves like fluffy clouds, sparkles, strawberries, root beer floats, hiking, baby Suzy Grace, etc. Loves to play games Loves to organize Loves to sing Loves SuperMan and "Conk Conk" Loves to play with her friends Loves Freshy drinks Loves her baby doll Loves Crystals
Suzy Grace 6 months Loves to smile Loves daddy Loves to eat, sleep and poop Love, Loves bathtubs Loves her bouncer chair Loves rides in the car Loves her sisters